Does God Exist?
What are Arguments for or against gods?
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One of the most common discussions on this site is, unsurprisingly, about the possible existence of any gods. "Does God Exist?" is a common topic not just around here, but all over. Most assert that some god definitely exists, a few question that claim, and fewer still aggressively assert the opposite.
In all such discussions, you will find the same basic arguments repeated over and over. There is a limited number of arguments offered for and against the existence of gods, although there are certainly variations and ways to make old arguments look new. For that reason, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the most common - this will make it easier to deal with them when you encounter them.
What is God?
Because of the fundamental importance of this one issue to all general discussions between atheists and theists, it is critical that those who participate in such discussions have a better understanding of just what it is they are talking about and why. After all, what's the point of debating the possible existence of "God" if no one has tried to come to some sort of agreement as to what they mean by "God"?
• God is Omnipotent
• God is Omnibenevolent
• God is Omniscient
Debating the Existence of God
It doesn't make a great deal of sense to start debating the existence of God before having a clear understanding of the nature of this debate itself. Being clear on what is being debated (God) is certainly vital, but no less vital are questions like whether there is any point to the debate in the first place, the "ground rules" for this debate, and the purpose for debating. Without having those in place, you're much more likely to just talk in circles and never get anywhere.
• Does God Matter?
• Burden of Proof
• Why Debate God?
Arguments for Gods
Review of various arguments commonly used to support the existence of gods: cosmological arguments, design arguments, ontological arguments, and more. How are they structured and are any of them valid?
• What is the Cosmological Argument?
• What is the Argument to Design?
• What is Pascal's Wager?
Arguments against Gods
Review of various arguments commonly used to deny the existence of gods. None of them can disprove the existence of all possible gods, but they can be used to question the existence of very specific gods.
• A Perfect Creator?
• Omniscience vs. Free Will
• Omniscience vs. Humanity
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