Sunday, 30 October 2011

Agnosticism / Atheism: Mailbag: Atheists Converting to Islam

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Mailbag: Atheists Converting to Islam
Oct 30th 2011, 08:00

From: "A'isha"
Subject: None

i would just like to say that after reading your site about critising Islam, i have now become and ever stronger muslim and am convinced that Islam and the Holy Quran are the total word of God-your arguments are feeble and unconvincing and rather amusing at times

It's not at all unusual for someone to write and say that they disagree with my arguments - unfortunately, what is also not unusual is the fact that those writing generally fail to explain why, exactly, they disagree. Take A'isha for example: if my arguments are so feeble and even amusing, it should be easy for her to offer rebuttals, explaining where and how I went so horribly astray. But she doesn't do that. In fact, she doesn't even say what arguments are feeble and amusing - she just makes the assertion and moves on.

How, then, can I possibly take her email seriously? Most people, when they learn that they have made an error, would like to learn where that error lies. After all, without such information it's impossible to make corrections, isn't it? Most theists who write to complain to me, however, don't do this - it's as if they've never heard of the concept of "constructive criticism." Of course, if I were feeling ungenerous, I would suggest that perhaps there aren't any serious errors that they could identify and rebut with a logical argument, but they didn't want to let that stop them from writing to complain anyway.

But I won't do that.

p.s- many of my atheist friends are now muslims

I find this very interesting because I certainly haven't heard of many atheists converting to Islam - it would be an unusual occurrence. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence of Muslims leaving Islam behind in favor of atheism or other religions.

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