Romanticizing the Simple Life
Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton
Premiere party for 'The Simple Life'
Photo: Doug Benc/Staff / Getty
What do you think about the so-called "simple life" -- is there really anything more virtuous, more ethical, or even more healthy about it than the sorts of lives that people in the West currently leave?
If it's really so good, why don't people move to a part of the world where it is normal?
A forum member writes:
Do you think living the simple life is best? When I mean simple life, I mean without an overly run electronic home, the most up-to-date, most souped up vehicle, etc.; I mean the basic life with all the essentials but not the flare - no pizzazz - or little pizzazz. Sort of like Amish folk but not in a religious way - in their survival skills way. ...
I mostly mean being self-sufficient. ... My family and I are dependent on the electric company to keep us warm - the gas company, too. (I would use a wood burner - but have terrible allergies.).
It seems to me that people have a tendency to romanticize the "simple life" and most of those doing this haven't actually had to live it. By "live it" I mean exist in that life for any extended period of time. I'm not including camping trips here.
People seem to see the simple life as a means of escaping their problems but they don't realize that things like technology aren't usually the source of their problems. Technology might exacerbate or change the form of some problems, but ultimately our problems all boil down to human behavior. And, of course, the "simple life" does not allow one to escape humans -- especially themselves.
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