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Complex deductive arguments can be judged valid or invalid based on whether or not the steps in that argument follow the nine basic rules of inference. These rules of inference are all relatively simple, although when presented in formal terms they can look overly complex.
1. P
2. Q
3. Therefore, P and Q.
1. It is raining in New York.
2. It is raining in Boston
3. Therefore, it is raining in both New York and Boston
1. P and Q.
2. Therefore, P.
1. It is raining in both New York and Boston.
2. Therefore, it is raining in New York.
1. P
2. Therefore, P or Q.
1. It is raining
2. Therefore, either either it is raining or the sun is shining.
1. If P, then Q.
2. Therfore, If P then P and Q.
1. If it is raining, then I will get wet.
2. Therefore, if it is raining, then it is raining and I will get wet.
Modus Ponens:
1. If P then Q.
2. P.
3. Therefore, Q.
1. If it is raining, then I will get wet.
2. It is raining.
3. Therefore, I will get wet.
Modus Tollens:
1. If P then Q.
2. Not Q. (~Q).
3. Therefore, not P (~P).
1. If it had rained this morning, I would have gotten wet.
2. I did not get wet.
3. Therefore, it did not rain this morning.
Hypothetical Syllogism:
1. If P then Q.
2. If Q then R.
3. Therefore, if P then R.
1. If it rains, then I will get wet.
2. If I get wet, then my shirt will be ruined.
3. If it rains, then my shirt will be ruined.
Disjunctive Syllogism:
1. Either P or Q.
2. Not P (~P).
3. Therefore, Q.
1. Either it rained or I took a cab to the movies.
2. It did not rain.
3. Therefore, I took a cab to the movies.
Constructive Dilemma:
1. (If P then Q) and (If R then S).
2. P or R.
3. Therefore, Q or S.
1. If it rains, then I will get wet and if it is sunny, then I will be dry.
2. Either it will rain or it will be sunny.
3. Therefore, either I will get wet or I will be dry.
The above rules of inference, when combined with the rules of replacement, mean that propositional calculus is "complete." Propositional calculus is simply another name for formal logic. To say that it is "complete" means that, in this system, the axioms used are sufficient to demonstrate any true proposition or to justify any valid argument.
Also Known As: none
Alternate Spellings: none
Common Misspellings: none
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