Thursday, 8 September 2011

Agnosticism / Atheism: Rick Santorum: Putting Religion Over Science Isn't Anti-Science

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Rick Santorum: Putting Religion Over Science Isn't Anti-Science
Sep 8th 2011, 12:00

Rick Santorum, December 6, 2006 in Washington, DC
Rick Santorum
December 6, 2006 in Washington, DC
Photo: Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images

Does Rick Santorum even understand what science is and how it works? I doubt it; if he did, he wouldn't try to assert that putting his religious ideology ahead of science is somehow not anti-science. Conservative Christians like him are a large part of why the Republican Party has become so degenerate.

Speaking to a group of about 90 people at the Beacon Drive-In in Spartanburg, SC, a popular stop for presidential candidates, Santorum did not mention Gov. Huntsman by name but brought up his fellow candidate's assertions, made on TV and via Twitter, that the Republican Party would have a "huge problem" if it became hostile to evolution and climate change.

"We are going through this debate right now by somebody who's in the Republican field talking about people who believe in certain scientific theories, whether it's global warming or evolution. And somehow or another if you believe that we are creatures of a loving God, that that is somehow anti-science," Santorum said. "It's not anti-science. It's an affirmation of what we view in the world. Which is, we see God."

Source: MSNBC

Jon Huntsman seems to be the only Republican presidential candidate with a shred of decency and sanity. Huntsman is the only national Republican (that I've seen) who is willing to open accept scientific facts. Huntsman is even willing to acknowledge that the Republican Party is having a problem with being anti-science (though he is careful to couch this in terms of developing in an undefined future when, in reality, it's happening right now and has been happening for a while).

Other candidates are trying to ignore this in the hopes that Jon Huntsman's low profile will mean that his remarks about evolution won't get much traction. So it's interesting that Santorum chose to say something -- but then again, Santorum's profile is just as low and there are other right-wing extremist candidates who are more popular. Maybe he's grasping at straws in order to find something that will attract more attention and support?

Hmmmm.... Straws.... Santorum... Nope, didn't need that image in my mind.

Regardless, Santorum's position here is utter nonsense -- in fact, it's nearly as nonsensical as his denial of evolution in the first place. It is anti-science when you look around, deny the facts that science reveals, and believe instead the stories from an ancient text as if that text were a more reliable guide to geology, biology, and cosmology.

A person in such a position who denies that they are ant-science is rather like someone who wants to censor critics while denying they are anti-free-speech. They are either ignorant fools or cowards.

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