From: William
Subject: Jesus
We are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs but I disagree with trying to force them upon people like you do.
Force? Where is "force" involved? This isn't the first time someone has accused me of trying to "force" my beliefs on others when all I'm doing is posting what I think on the internet. Is there some mad atheist out there putting a gun to people's heads and forcing them to read my pages? Not likely. It seems that some religious believers imagine that they are being "forced" to read things for no other reason than that the material exists out there.
Which suggests, I'm sad to say, that what they really want is for such material to disappear complete.
I feel sorry for your soul one day when JESUS turns his back on you and GOD judges you.
Maybe William is turning his back on Odin and will be judged harshly for that? I know, it doesn't sound very likely, but the existence of Odin is no more likely or credible than the existence of William's god. It's interesting how people make statements like which assume the truth of their religion and dismiss the possible truth of any other religions. Granted, it might be natural for a believer to make such assumptions in most situations -- but it's not a reasonable assumption when talking to a non-believer.
Forever is a very long time and putting your Soul at stake is not wise.
Yes, "forever" is a very long time but since there is no good reason to imagine that I have a "soul," why would I worry about it? Who I am is based upon my memories and my personality. These, in turn, are dependent upon my physical brain. Once my brain dies, then my personality and memories will disappear -- there will be no more "me" in existence. If I have a soul, and that's not likely, it won't be "me." Why should i worry about it?
Most Christians I agree are Hippocrates and im sure im one too, and do not life right justifying things to themselves to make the easy choices as do I believe atheists.
Most Christians are Hippocrates? Automatic spell checkers make amusing mistakes sometimes...
Notice, though, how William pretends to be critical of Christians but then turns around and manages to launch an insult at all atheists: they do not live right and only try to justify things to themselves in order to get away with making easy choices. William's arrogance is astounding but it's not unusual -- many Christians imagine themselves to be infinitely superior to atheists for very similar reasons. They simply don't think that atheists can or do make decent, good, rational decisions in their lives.
Christianity is hardcore, you are either with JESUS or you are against him.
Christianity is "hardcore"? Christians who try to talk "hip" and use modern language like this only sound ridiculous rather than relevant. Christianity is a religion, with no more credibility than all the other religions and it's certainly not "hardcore" as far as religions go. William should consider some other religions, like that followed by the ancient Aztec, if he wants something that's really "hardcore."
And shame for those who are against him. You should worry about the next life which is eternal instead of this one.
William should worry about this life, since it's obviously the only one we have and he's just wasting it by worrying about souls and an "afterlife" which just isn't credible. That's the main problem with believing in an afterlife: people spend a lot of time trying to "prepare" themselves in order to have a good destination for eternity but this means neglecting their current life and failing to get as much out of it as they could. What a waste.
The reason I am emailing you is because your site is blasphemous and I urge you to reconsider your views.
Blasphemy is an act that insults a god, but you can't insult gods that don't exist. William can "urge" me to reconsider my views all he wants, but he won't accomplish anything aside from making himself feel superior unless he can offer substantive reasons for me to think that my current views are mistaken. Unfortunately, he didn't try to do that -- I'm not even sure if the idea even occurred to him.
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