From: "Atmos"
Subject: Simple questions
First off, I'll just say that yes, I am a Christian. I'm starting this discussion because I want to know what makes you (aetheists/agnostics) believe what you do. I guess the main problem I have with understanding true aetheism is that if there is no God, and there is no life after death, why go on living? In the end, we cease to exist anyway, so why not just end your life? PLEASE realize that I don't advocate suicide in any way... I just don't understand what point there is to living life if there is nothing after death.
What is the point of living if there is nothing after death? Because life can be enjoyable and worth living here and now. Do we ask "what's the point" about watching a movie we know is going to end? About eating a meal that is going to end? This sort of question seems to assume that nothing has a point unless it is eternal, but that premise not only isn't obviously true, but is in fact arguably false. It seems to me that things can only be meaningful if they are temporary and will pass along. If they are there forever, one can easily take them for granted, become bored with them, etc.
Why do we need something that transcends your life in order to enjoy our lives? This makes it sound as though Atmos don't actually value his live for what it is and for what happens in it. That would be rather sad, I think. Even if I thought there was life after death, that "afterlife" would not provide meaning and purpose to my life now. I would not value my life based upon what happened later, but rather because of what it has to offer now.
If there is something later on, then perhaps it will be something I can find meaning and purpose in. If not, then at least I've lived this life and have found meaning and purpose in it.
Note: This message originally appeared in the Agnosticism / Atheism forum. Read the whole thread. More selections from the Agnosticism / Atheism Mailbag...
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