Forum Discussion: The 10 Guidelines of Atheism Jan 25th 2012, 08:00 If atheists are "dogmatic" then what are they being dogmatic about? If atheists are "fundamentalist" then what are they being fundamentalist about? It's tough for anti-atheist activists to construct substantive answers to such questions, so maybe we atheists should help them out... A forum member writes: Recently, an atheist on this forum suggested that the other atheists were being dogmatic, and, of course, we've seen the accusation that some atheists are just as fundamentalist as some Christians. I thought it would be good to know just what we're being dogmatic about and have created guidelines to follow, in case we wanted to be dogmatic. I couldn't call them "commandments" in part because there really aren't any commands, so these can only be guidelines. I welcome any suggestions for improvement or additions. We could approve them at our next EAC meeting (if it existed, which it doesn't) - as a reminder, EAC dues (if it existed, etc) should be paid by Feb. 29 if you really want to be a card-carrying atheist. - Rule #1: Don't believe in any gods.
- Rule #2: Actually, that's about it: don't believe in any gods - not Yahweh, Allah, Zeus, Minerva, Thor, Shiva, not one god shall ye believe in.
- Rule #3: You don't need to be positively, absolutely, 100% convinced no gods exist; you can be an agnostic atheist.
- Rule #4: You don't have to say that no god exists. You just don't believe in any.
- Rule #5: You can be in a religion if it does not require you to believe in a god.
- Rule #6: Other atheists would appreciate if you would learn to apply skepticism and critical thinking in all areas of your life, but there is no requirement you do so. You can believe in pretty much anything else just not a god.
- Rule #7: There is no rule #7.
- Rule #8: You don't need to be a scientist or understand science to think science is the best method for understanding our universe, the origins of life on earth, and evolution. Basically, you don't accept the "goddidit" explanation for physical phenomena.
- Rule #9: You can still be a good, generous person and an upstanding citizen who contributes to society; you just don't base your moral values on the idea that god is judging you for your behavior.
- Rule #10: You can still get enjoyment and meaning out of your life, appreciating it for what it is without considering it some preparation for an afterlife.
What do you think about these "guidelines" -- do you think that, as a dogmatic, fundamentalist, and maybe even militant atheist you can get behind them? Or are you a splittler who will make up your own guidelines like that sad little guy from the Atheist People's Front over there? Add your thoughts to the comments here or join the ongoing discussion in the forum. | |
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